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First, and most intuitively, the more education someone has, the more likely they are to be a reader. Beyond that,urban people read more than rural people, affluence is associated with reading, and young girls read earlier than boys do and continue to read more in adulthood.
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Our Vision
Wherever you go, take a book with you. When I leave the house, I always make sure to have my drivers license, my keys and my book, at a minimum. The book stays with me in the car, and I take it into the office and to appointments and pretty much everywhere I go, unless I know I definitely won’t be reading.
Derived from an infinite love of books
In my twenties, I was a foreigner in London. Out of the Fountain, I had that Keatsian feeling of a new world coming into view.
She inspires me more than any other author in this second half of my life. Her uniquely fluid style reveals a mind so perspicacious, so permissively poetic and utterly radical